Thursday, May 3, 2012

‎"Today that was yesterday, yesterday is over its a different day"

Yesterday which was than today, I found myself hyping up on caffeine in order to survive the day. It felt as it were possibly the longest day ever in my existence. ( Okay so that's a bit dramatic, but what kind of woman would I be if I didn't apply a little stereo-type from time to time) Due to lack of sleep the prior night ( 1-2 hours) I almost felt in comparison to a robot, I have all these cool functions and abilities, yet on the inside I'm on Auto Pilot, hardwired and run by advanced technology, not human.

It started with a morning wake up cup of coffee, there is no better cup of coffee, than that which you sip on, right after you wake. The crisp smell of coffee beans, the sound of the coffee maker brewing, I always know when the last drip dropped, impeccable hearing on my part ( bows and curtsies) okay no not impeccable, half the time I hear things completely different than what was originally said, so I'm going to go with I got some bad ass Ninja skills, you're never too young to imagine! As I drag foot by foot to get ready for what will be the longest day ever, I watch my dog, watching me... she's got to be judging, I'd judge me... I'm like a perfect example of the image on the book cover of Alexander and the Terrible Horrible, No Good, Bad Day. My hair had a mind of it's own that not even hair spray could settle down, I'm pretty sure my salmon colored corduroys, and shirt were lacking, desirable fashion , but that's no new news for me ( per my co workers, It's more than often that I don't match) Does this mean I'm color blind? So my day progresses on, I put music in my ear buds, I listen to some good tunes, The X/X, Joshua Radin, Andrew Belle... I'm making mad progress on my Monster, which leads me to my second wind! I'm AWAKE! So I'm sitting at my desk swiveling in my chair, doing a little dance, getting Jiggy with it & than I slowly start to feel the down fall ( womp womp womp) .... i believe the slowest hour out of yesterday were between 12 noon and 1pm, I must have looked at the clock lord knows how many times, before I just gave up. I tried getting my ghetto on with Lil Wayne in hopes he'd get me crunk - it's rare that I use urban language so appreciate it when it happens! I tried rocking it with Disturbed and Staind, which by the way Staind while I can appreciate their music as it is a form of art and expression, their lyrics can be quite depressing. Thus this led to no solution...that was it I accepted my fate, be a troop and wait it out, only a few more hours and I'd be in the comfort of my own bed, in my comfy cozies with my pup. 

It's 8pm, I'm pretty sure I should be asleep by now, but I'm like a kid who wants to always be up because he/she is afraid they'd miss something great! I decided to watch a movie, limitless with a good buddy of mine, imagine a pill that made you feel like GOD...that could enhance your level of...intelligence! The ability to collect information from the past and apply it to the now within the matter of a second if not less. Do you think it would get FDA approved? 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Cheers to Blog # 1! My daily comings and goings, random thoughts and rambling brain farts and inspirational sayings, all bundled up into a sushi roll and laid out onto my very own private personal blogging space! I'd try to be a little less excited here, but I'm afraid my fingers would burst out in jibberish,from trying to contain the amount of excitment I feel. Prime Example: "ksafjlksdjfl;ajsdfosjfoasj"  It's the little things in life. One Love!

I'm afraid I can't stay longer to write, as 5 pm just rolled around, and I'm eager to see my number one girl, Tegan, ( Yes go ahead and make your assumptions and judge) Stereo-Type away ... A lesbian named her dog after a lesbian singer in a lesbian band, Did I just say lesbian 3 times?!  Go Figure, but how many dog's can you say you know of that are named, Tegan. Pretty sweet deal in my eyes, my sweet dopey girl! Intelligent, but dopey ( the looks she gives, KODAK)... Now that I come to think of it, she was the runt of her litter, so perhaps that says something, does it not?

I began this blog of random goodness and more to come, in hopes it would inspire someone special to join in some random ramblings and brain farts. Hell, how much more romantic does it get than that, "I wrote a blog of brain farts and daily comings &... goings, for you.... in hopes it would inspire you to blog." Precious Moments.
